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Thank you for your interest in applying for the 2024 Illinois Farm Bureau Young Leader Excellence in Agriculture and Achievement Award programs.
Applications must be submitted via the online portal by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 1, 2024. County Farm Bureau Manager verification must also be received by this time.
The Excellence in Agriculture Award winner is selected based on his/her involvement in agriculture, leadership ability, and participation/involvement in Farm Bureau and other organizations (i.e. civic, service, and community). The ideal candidate(s) for the Excellence in Agriculture Award is an individual or couple who does not have the majority of his/ her net income subject to normal production risk. Applicant(s) must not have derived a majority of his/her net income from an owned production agriculture enterprise in any of the past three years.
The Achievement Award winner is selected based on their efforts in production agriculture and leadership achievement. The ideal candidate(s) for the Achievement Award is an individual or couple involved in production agriculture with a majority of his/her net income subject to normal production risks. Applicant(s) must be actively engaged in farming, with the majority of his/her net income coming from production agriculture. Applicant(s) must have at least three years of financial records showing that the majority of income came from production agriculture.
Questions? Please contact youngleaders@ilfb.org